003 The case against emailing your list once per week

This is the second installment of my 3-part series on How Online Business Gurus Have Let Me Down & Left Me for Dead (ok, that second part is an exaggeration.)

But I do have grievances with a lot of conventional wisdom in the online marketing world...

And my hope is that by unraveling them and sharing a different approach, I can help you grow your business without falling into these commonly taught traps.

In Part I, I described the myth that releasing free content will automatically create ready-made buyers. 

Now, I tackle the conventional wisdom that you should only email your list once per week, and not more than that unless it's during a promotion - so they say.



What you'll get in this episode: 

  • The two major problems with emailing your list only once per week (and one of them corrodes your earning potential.)
  • I explain a better ideal frequency (or new minimum) for emailing your list. 
  • Three potential solutions if you find emailing your list more than once per week too difficult.